Author Archives: Dr. Brent Wells

Can Proper Diet and Supplementation Heal Your Back Pain?

You are what you eat—and so is your back. Back pain is on the rise. Experts estimate a whopping 80 percent of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives. That’s bad news for those with back aches. Back pain may result from several factors, including injury, arthritis, or stress. Generally […]

10 Killer Anti-Inflammatory Supplements to Beat Chronic Pain

If there’s one thing I see a great deal of in my chiropractic clinic in Anchorage, Alaska, its chronic pain. Whether it’s joint pain, the pain of arthritis or fibromyalgia, or low back pain, what they all have in common is inflammation.   What Is Inflammation?  Many people think of inflammation as a bad thing, but in truth it’s a natural response from the immune system that helps protect […]