Author Archives: Briana Goodall, CPC

Homemade Gummy Worms:
Sugar-Free Halloween Treats with Real Food Ingredients

Halloween was always one of my favorite holidays growing up. From an early age, my mum, a trained artist, would make us unique and creative costumes, and this tradition stayed with me over the years. In my teens and twenties, I created my own distinctive outfits for Halloween, and these days I love channeling my […]

Mediterranean Spaghetti Squash
with Blistered Tomato, Olives, and Feta:
A Fiber-Rich, Seasonal Vegetable to Satisfy Your Pasta Craving

One of my favorite things about autumn is the lovely array of squash that start making their appearance on the store shelves and market stalls. I love that they come in all shapes and colors, each with its own distinct flavor and texture. After the last of the summer harvest, the first of the winter […]

Seared Scallops with Green Tomato-Mango Salsa:
Maximize End-of-Season Produce—Use Those Green Tomatoes!

It’s usually around the beginning of October that I finish breaking down my summer garden. It’s a purifying process for me—shelling the last of the dried beans for next season, pulling and tying corn stalks for decoration, amending the kale to keep it flourishing through the winter. It’s also when my end-of-season tomato plants are […]

Lamb Shawarma with Spicy Buttermilk Sauce:
Levant Street-Food Flavor and Home Grill Convenience

After graduating from high school, I spent a few years in Calgary, Alberta—a melting pot of cultural diversity with a vast population of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern families. Living there, I was exposed to authentic flavors that until then had been mostly foreign to me. Such regular access to some of the most delicious food […]

Heirloom Tomato-Ricotta Galette:
A Rustic Grain-Free Tart with Sophisticated Flavor

I rarely tire of finding uses for all the beautiful, vibrant heirloom tomatoes from my garden. Whether I’m making a sauce to put away for the winter, piling slices high on crusty toasted bread with thick-cut bacon and crisp lettuce, blending them into my favorite silken gazpacho, or eating them straight from the cutting board […]

Amaretto Peach-Pear Upside Down Cake:
Welcoming Autumn with a Grain-Free Treat

The transformative period between summer and fall are some of my favorite weeks of the year. It’s a time of reestablished routines, warm sunny days, and crisp evenings. The fragrant scent of heavy dew and fallen apples. The feel of dry grass and leaves at the tail end of their vigor. And all that produce […]

Roasted Poblano Queso:
Cheese Sauce of the Gods

Take game-day snacking to whole new level. Queso. The uber popular Tex-Mex staple so ubiquitous in restaurants, bars, and game-day coffee tables across the country. Personally, I was never a big fan. In my initial queso-eating experiences, I found the stuff was always a two-ingredient concoction of melted processed cheese with canned tomatoes and green […]

Quinoa Salad with Peaches, Corn, and Feta:
Celebrate Late Summer with a Picnic Friendly Side Dish

I don’t know about you, but I’m totally not ready for summer to be over. Here in Colorado, the kids have just started school, and though I look forward to returning to a semblance of routine and getting down to some personal and home projects once the craziness of the past season is behind us, […]

Moroccan-Spiced Salmon Cakes with
Preserved Lemons and Harissa Yogurt:
A Simple, Protein-Packed Meal with an Exotic Flair

I’ve been wrapping up our annual trip back home to the Pacific Northwest of British Columbia. This year’s adventure was full of lazy days at the beach, boisterous family reunions with cousins I haven’t seen in close to twenty years, peaceful explorations through lush, moss-draped forest groves, mountain hikes with incredible vistas, refreshing lake swims… […]

Antipasto-Stuffed Squash Blossoms:
Maximize Your Garden Harvest with a Crispy, Grain-Free Appetizer

I can’t let the summer go by without sharing at least one post celebrating the season’s most prolific crop: the equally loved and loathed zucchini. Mid-August may be a little later in the season than I usually publish my annual zucchini post, but now that everyone is surely becoming sick of all that darned summer […]

Cherry Clafoutis:
Classically French, Elegantly Easy

I remember the first time I had clafoutis (KLA-foo-tee). I must have been around thirteen, and the bakery where I worked had just received a shipment of plump, deep, burgundy cherries from the Okanagan, in British Columbia. My mentor Pascal immediately exclaimed that I simply had to try clafoutis, so he got to work whipping […]

Thai Style Minced Pork Salad with Spicy Mayo:
Taking Street Food to a New Level

I’ve often waxed poetic about my affection for Thai food. The harmonic combination of sour, salty, sweet, and spicy is like no other cuisine. I also admire the Thai love affair with street food: full of bright fresh flavors, crisp veggies, and quickly grilled or seared meats, and easy to eat with your hands. My […]

Grilled Fajita Bowls with Chipotle Cream and Guacamole:
Mexican-Inspired Meals for Summer

I’ve been eating the majority of my meals out of shallow bowls for quite some time now, even though everyone thinks I’m weird for it. I also eat almost everything with chopsticks (even weirder, I know), but in my opinion bowls accommodate chopsticks more than a plate. Besides their practical uses, I like bowls for […]

Seed-Crust Tourtière:
A Mile-High Makeover Inspired by a French-Canadian Classic

I grew up in Canada, and I’ve been interested in food as far back as I can remember, so I was quite surprised that I didn’t discover tourtière—possibly the most quintessentially Canadian food outside of poutine (fries, gravy, and cheese curds…if you’ve never tried it, you must!)—until my later years. Tourtière is a hearty meat […]

Homemade Cinnamon-Vanilla Granola with Coconut:
Taking Cereal to a Whole New Level

I’m not a big cereal fan, but I used to be. Back in my younger (less knowledgeable) years, I indulged in my fair share. And though it wasn’t optimal, cereal was one of the only things I had an appetite for when I was pregnant. Luckily, my mother was pretty strict about the quality of […]

Creamy Coconut-Key Lime Pie (Grain and Sugar Free):
A Slice of Summer

Even though the bright beauty and flavor of citrus brightens up the bleakest months of winter, when citrus is at its peak, I’ve always felt that these lively, juicy fruits are much better-suited as a welcome respite from the heat of the summer months. Lemons are a constant in our house, with their neutral flavor […]

Einkorn Pita:
Light and Airy Whole-Grain Flatbread

Bread is the Staff of Life; so the saying goes. It’s no secret that since the discovery of agriculture, bread has been a staple food in nations all over the world. From baguettes slathered with butter in France, to tortillas in Central America, Roti in South Asia, and dense rye breads in Scandinavian regions, each […]

Turkish-Style Livers with Crisp Sumac Onions:
Getting More Organ Meats onto Your Plate

Thanks to a heightened interest in eating for health, and mainstream acceptance of making use of the whole animal, organ meats have made a bit of a comeback lately. Yet, while this resurgence in popularity is certainly creating more interest for the average home cook, few people know ways to integrate them into their diet […]

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus with
Apricot and Creamy Bleu Cheese:
A Simple, Swanky Side Dish

So, hopefully, by the time this post is released, the summer season will finally be upon us. Presently, it is snowing outside as I write this; my animals are confused, and my poor lilacs took a serious beating—ahhhh, nothin’ like a good old Colorado seasonal slip-up…. Now, where was I? Oh yes, dreams of warmth […]

Leeks Vinaigrette with Grainy Mustard and Grana Padano:
A Company-Worthy, Timeless, French Classic

Poor leeks—more often than not, these overlooked veggies get passed over for their cousin, the onion, or wind up as background notes to more familiar specimens, like potatoes. Despite being incredibly versatile and downright delicious, they really don’t get enough top billing, at least in this neck of the woods. Adding to the trials the […]