Are You Depressed or Disappointed?
Similar but Very Different Conditions

The number of people taking dangerous antidepressant drugs in this country is simply staggering. This article does a good job of explaining this problem (emphasis mine): “The number of Americans who say they’ve taken an antidepressant over the past month rose by 65 percent between 1999 and 2014, a new government survey finds. By 2014, about one in every eight Americans over the age of 12 reported recent antidepressant use, according to a report released…from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

If that was the case in 2014, imagine the numbers in 2020. For that reason, and because someone close to me has started taking these solve-nothing prescriptions, I thought it necessary to write about this topic. I believe this is a massive error on the part of so-called experts and also parents who allow their children to take such medications before seriously, and from good holistic doctors, considering natural approaches. Unfortunately, people are often labeled as depressed when they are simply dealing with disappointment over one of life’s challenges, which we are all subject to every now and then. Sad, but true.

The Difference Between Depression and Disappointment

Though they may look and feel very much the same, I wanted to find a definition for the profound difference between depression and disappointment. I was finally able to find an article from Bustle that explains the distinction between these two states of mind, which I talk about below.

Disappointment relates to thoughts of loss for things we didn’t get. In the article, anxiety coach Margaret Wehrenberg points out that disappointment is a natural occurrence that we all experience along life’s journey. Examples of disappointment include not getting a specific job that you really wanted or losing out on a new home because it was sold before you had a chance to bid on it. When any of your dreams or hopes don’t materialize, it can lead to disappointment. Wehrenberg also states that disappointment exists in the area of our brain and heart associated with abstract or intangible things. That is, things we would have liked but did not get.

The major emotions we feel with disappointment are sadness and frustration at things not going our way. It is more often experienced by people who didn’t face many challenges growing up and therefore become easily frustrated when they start out on their own. Growing up is hard to do, and yes, disappointments abound!

Depression relates to actual physical loss. To quote from the article: “When a loved one dies, or a serious relationship ends, it’s normal for people to experience depression. A loss of motivation, lack of self-esteem, and apathy towards life are common symptoms for people who are suffering from a deep loss. Unlike disappointments, the loss experienced associated with depression generally deals with a loss that’s causing an active change in your life: For instance, a missing loved one or partner, or a traumatic event that you’re having difficulty processing. The key here is that your loss isn’t that of an idea or a dream, but of an actual person (or thing, such as a job or home) which [already] existed in your life.”

I would also include the diagnosis of a chronic or serious disease such as cancer. For anyone trying to overcome grief, I strongly suggest reading my blog post “Grief: There’s Sunlight After the Storm.”

The Bustle article also mentions that it is common to label anyone experiencing down moods or sadness with depression. And, unfortunately, they are often prescribed antidepressants that can have drastic side effects. In some cases, this can even lead to suicide or other devastating long-term issues. To learn about some natural approaches to depression, read my blog post “Be Happy—No Matter What!

Are you already taking drugs for depression? If yes, I encourage you to reassess if you truly do have depression or if you may instead be experiencing disappointment. Make the effort to correct the path you are now on. Though experts like Margaret Wehrenberg may understand how to tell the difference, your doctor may not. Medical assumptions are nothing new, and there are no doubt many victims of their ignorance. Don’t be one of them!

Overcoming Disappointments

Most of us have a wonderous built-in virtue called hope. It is by far the best of the best when it comes to overcoming life’s disappointments. Other than the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, we rarely talk about it. However, most of us have a spark of hope in our being that we can call upon to help us look forward to new ventures when we miss out on something we truly wanted. Oftentimes, what we find instead of what we lost is far better for us anyway. The best way of going forward after a disappointment is to simply close out the past since you can do nothing to change it. Look instead to the future and keep moving forward on the journey that is the rest of your life. Don’t get stuck in remorse and regrets!

Overcoming Depression

During a consultation with a young lady who had seemingly been depressed from early childhood, I asked her to imagine three different people residing in the complex structure of her human body. Each of these three beings must be nourished with its own specific type of food. When one or two of them doesn’t get the food they need, the other two will suffer. These beings are the body, mind, and spirit. In most people who are seriously depressed, all three beings are likely in a state of malnutrition.

  1. The physical being: You must give your physical being superior foods to keep it in shape. The physical being also needs movement, regardless of age. Walking, biking, swimming, and healthy outdoor hobbies like gardening are great forms of movement.
  2. The mental being: This part of your being thrives only when your thoughts are centered on the positive side of life—when you are hopeful and looking for the good in every day. Positive language nourishes healthy thoughts, and prayer is the highest form of keeping your mental health at its best.
  3. The spiritual being: This being demands a power higher than yourself to help you handle what you cannot achieve on your own, whether you call it God, a particular religious belief, or simply the natural law. If you believe that you are an island unto yourself with no need for a higher power, you will, in due time, become depressed. I promise!

Natural, Powerful Whole Food Supplements for Depression and Anxiety

I recommend the following whole food supplements for young, middle-aged, and older clients alike, and I urge you to use them alongside my suggestions above. Look for a healthcare practitioner in your area who carries them. Also ask for a muscle test that will help determine the proper dosages for your needs.

Warning: If you choose to get these supplements from a third party online rather than a Standard Process practitioner, you run the risk of purchasing an ineffective product for various reasons.

Whole food supplements for depression:

Whole food supplements for anxiety or the blues over disappointments:

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Afterthoughts from the Traditional Cook

I invite you to read this excellent article on depression and watch the accompanying video:

Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance in Your Brain: Here’s Proof.”

The article and video details the birth of the psychiatric drug industry and how its powerful and profitable partnership with drug-makers has turned psychiatry into an $80 billion profit center.

  • But is any of it based on real medical science?
  • Are psychiatric diagnoses valid?
  • And are the drugs safe?

Unfortunately, the evidence is overwhelmingly stacked against psychiatric drugs. It’s becoming clear that most of today’s psychiatric diagnoses and drug treatments are a sham, yet we have successfully been made to believe that they are based on scientific truth.

Maria Atwood, CNHP

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Disclaimer from Maria Atwood, CNHP: I am a Certified Natural Health Professional, CNHP, not a medical doctor. I do not diagnose, prescribe for, treat, or claim to prevent, mitigate, or cure any human diseases. Please see your medical doctor or health practitioner prior to following any recommendations I make in my blog posts or on my website.

Images from iStock/ViktorCap (main), Victor_Tongdee (woman), Aamulya (food). 

Maria Atwood, CNHP

Maria Atwood is a semiretired Certified Natural Health Professional and Weston A. Price Chapter Leader in Colorado Springs, CO. Visit her website at Also check out Maria’s Cook Your Way to Wellness DVD (also available as an e-learning course) and be sure to follow her Tips from the Traditional Cook blog.
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