Anything Can Cause Anything

“Anything can cause anything!”

“You don’t always have what you got!”

These phrases I learned from Dr. Victor Frank, the developer of Total Body Modification (TBM). I remind myself of them daily, but especially when I feel stuck with a patient. You know, I’ve tried all of these other things, and I think…what do I do now?

How often do we, as practitioners, approach our patients with a preconceived bias that they have X, Y, or Z? What do I mean by that? I mean that practitioners with a strong practice in a certain area may develop tunnel vision when it comes to their patients. For instance, they may think that all thyroid cases are caused by infection, or that all symptoms are a result of Lyme disease, or that all patients need chiropractic adjustments to fix their illness. (Don’t misunderstand me. As a chiropractor, I feel that everyone can benefit to some degree from chiropractic adjustments.) And lastly, let us not forget the surgeon who thinks that all health can be restored by removing tissues.

There is no single “cause” of disease! If I approach every patient thinking they have parasites, I run the risk of missing the true cause of their disease. I trust at this point you get the message.

This is especially true with muscle testing! If I think all of my patients have parasites, or heavy metal toxicity, or digestive issues, or any other one thing, I will not be successful in helping most of the people who come to my office. Why? Because I will be “treating” the wrong condition.

I know some of you may be thinking, You’re wrong, Keppel! All of the patients who come to me do have (fill in the blank)!

Well, of course this is just not the case. Remember, anything can cause anything. And you don’t always have what you got.

Approach every patient—both new and established—as a mystery. Let the clues they give you be your guide. Listen with an open mind, and use your investigative skills to lead you to all of the possibilities that may be causing their symptoms.

Many conditions have similar symptoms. But do you know what system is under stress? Or what physiology that has gotten out of balance? These are the kinds of questions that can help you deduce the actual issue with your patient.

In Muscle Response Analysis: Seminar and Workshop, my e-learning course from Selene River Press, I preach that you should always be unbiased when muscle testing. As the practitioner, you should not approach the cause of your patient’s complaints with an agenda. You just want to find the tissues that are out of homeostasis. As Dr. George Goodheart said, “Always back up your muscle testing with some objective finding.” These are very wise words!

The bottom line is this: yes, you will attract certain cases based on the focus of your practice. The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on is what you attract into your reality.

With that said, here are three important lessons to keep in mind:

  1. Always be open to the patient’s condition, and approach it with the knowledge that anything can be causing it.
  2. Use unbiased testing.
  3. If you are muscle testing, support it with other testing.

Our goal is to help our patients. We do this best when we, as practitioners, have no agenda!

“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”
—Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1962

And remember, results refer!

Images from iStock/LightFieldStudios (main), viviana loza (post).

Dr. Lowell Keppel

Dr. Keppel received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1983, following an associate degree in science from Southwestern Michigan Community College. He became certified in Neuro-Emotional Technique in 1999, having studied directly under the program’s founder, Dr. Scott Walker. He has undertaken a variety of further training, including herbology, spinal rehabilitation, and ongoing nutritional education.

Dr. Keppel knows there is always some seminar, book or journal that might deepen his knowledge or contribute one more bit of information that he can directly translate into an effective treatment. He gives sound advice from the perspective of clinical experience and years of practice.

More recently, Dr. Keppel has been teaching seminars for Standard Process West. He has become their in-house chiropractor and is recognized as a mentor for other practitioners throughout the greater Denver area.

For more information, visit his website at, check out his YouTube channel, or contact him directly at

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