A Rare Opportunity with Mr. Mark Anderson

Listening to a lecture about disease can be difficult, and the subject matter can be dry, but when the speaker is Mr. Mark Anderson, it can become a life-changing experience and a valuable gift of knowledge.

Once a year in Denver, Colorado, Mr. Anderson presents at Back to School for Doctors, a comprehensive seminar on the science of Dr. Royal Lee and how his writings relate to the health issues practitioners and their patients face today. This popular event attracts hundreds of health practitioners from all over the country.

This year, Mr. Anderson has surprised this blogger with notice of a SECOND seminar that will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Marriott City Center, on March 29, 2014.  Of course I felt the need to spread the word about this rare occurrence.

Mr. Mark Anderson will give a lecture called The Autoimmune Process and Reaction: Cause/Effect/Correction, The Wholistic & Strategic Approach of Dr. Royal Lee. It sounds intense, does it not? And it is.

“More than 150 diseases have been reclassified as autoimmune or autoimmune-related over the last decade with more added every year.” (American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association)

How can you not want to learn more? I know I do, and if you want to get a seat at the lecture, then please see the Selene River Press Events Calendar under Resources for more detailed information. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear the entertaining and enlightening Mr. Mark Anderson.

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