2019 Self-Health Habits Roundup

Here at the Adventures of a Self-Healther blog, we discussed all sorts of topics in 2019. We made cholesterol less scary, learned about the pancreas, discussed fermented foods for naysayers, examined the perfect diet (for you), and explored some compelling facts about breast milk—to name just a few.

Along the way, I hope you were able to beef up your self-health knowledge and/or take some steps on your path to optimal health. Being a lifelong learner and information seeker, I always take pleasure in thinking up new questions, digging into the answers, and sharing what I learned with others.

However, my favorite part of writing for SRP this year has been exploring a different self-health habit each month. My goal was to suggest fairly easy-to-implement practices that could have a big impact on your daily life.

Here’s a roundup of all 12 self-health habits in one place. Hopefully this will help you realize everything you’ve accomplished in the past year.

January: Learn to Make Bone Broth or Meat Stock. Admittedly, this may have been the most intimidating habit of the year to master. But once you get the hang of it, making this delicious elixir is really quite simple.

February: Make an Appointment for Biomarker Testing. The results from a simple blood draw can make you aware of potential health pitfalls long before they become full-blown concerns.

March: Try a New Nutrient Dense Food. We all get into ruts with the foods we eat. Changing things up a bit not only keeps meals interesting but also helps you increase their nutritional value.

April: Drink Plenty of Healthy Water. When it comes to water, it’s important to consider both quantity and quality.

May: Grow at Least Some of Your Own Food. There’s something about tending to a garden, no matter what size, that teaches you respect for all living things.

June: Move. Every. Day. We’re all built to move. (Bonus—it’s also the quickest way to counter the fight-or-flight stress response.)

July: Use Fresh Herbs in Your Kitchen. Fresh herbs bring an unparalleled flavor to your dish—and they’re not nearly as complicated as you’ve been making them out to be.

August: Cook at Home. This self-health habit puts you in complete control of your diet: the quality of your ingredients, the size of the portions on your plate, and your overall food expenses.

September: Take Your Self-Health Education Seriously. Ditching the status quo and seeking out different perspectives from reliable sources is the key to truly understanding self-health.

October: Eliminate Refined Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners. The destructive nature of sugar and artificial sweeteners are undeniable and well-documented. Time to experiment with healthy alternatives.

November: Make Self-Care a Priority. Taking care of yourself helps you take better care of others and makes the care you give more impactful.

December: Get More Sleep. You need it. I need it. We all need it. At least if we want to function at our best. Just do it. ;)

So, how’d you do? Which habits stuck? Were you encouraged to adopt different habits that fit better into your life? Try breaking down your New Year’s resolutions into more manageable chunks (aka self-health habits) to keep the momentum going into 2020.

Image from iStock/Dilok Klaisataporn.

Paula Widish

Paula Widish, author of Trophia: Simple Steps to Everyday Self-Health, is a freelance writer and self-healther. She loves nothing more than sharing tidbits of information she discovers with others. (Actually, she loves her family more than that—and probably bacon too.) Paula has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Public Relations and is a Certified Professional Life Coach through International Coach Academy.

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